Saturday, December 23, 2006

week five

sunday: 2.0 miles
monday: (slacker)
tuesday: 1.0 mile, 20 min. bike, weights
wednesday: 4.0 miles
thursday: 3.0 miles
friday: off
saturday: 4.0 miles

raised: $166
to go: $1234
goal: $1400

Thursday, December 21, 2006

week four

sunday: (slacker)
monday: 1.0 mile
tuesday: 30 min. bike; weights
wednesday: 4.0 miles
thursday: 2.0 miles
friday: off
saturday: 4.5 miles

raised: $91
to go: $1309
goal: $1400

Thursday, December 14, 2006

what i've learned so far

i am finishing up my fourth week of training through Team in Training. a few things i have learned so far:
1. do not run more than what is'll pay for it
2. invest in an accurate pedometer (otherwise...when you think you're running six're actually running ten)
3. hills suck (but I'm not complaining)

This coming weekend we have a 4-miler out at weller park. at least the weather is mild! looking forward to gettin' out there...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

what's this for?

i've started up this blog to keep you all informed with my marathon status...both in training and donations. i think blogging can get out of hand (call me a hypocrite) so my posts will be simple and painless. no scrolling through paragraph after posts will only include miles run that week, donation status, and a quick note or two.
i might eventually put up a photo or two...but i feel awkward having brooke take pictures of me running. but what other kind of pictures can i put on a running log blog? we'll have to see...

if you have no idea what is going on...visit