Sunday, April 15, 2007

week twenty one

sunday: 5.0 miles
monday: physical therapy
tuesday: 8.0 miles
wednesday: physical therapy; 30 min bike; weights
thursday: 6.0 miles
friday: off
saturday: 16 miles

*note* well i'm back in the swing of things! it was a hard run on saturday, but i'm pushing through the pain, and ready to do this marathon in THREE WEEKS!

raised: $1597
to go: $0
goal: $1400

Thursday, April 12, 2007

map my run

I just discovered and it's a great tool for runners! Check out my 8 mile route I most recently took:

Monday, April 9, 2007

week twenty

sunday: 3.0 miles
monday: off
tuesday: 3.5 miles
wednesday: hiked 3-4 hours
thursday: off (vacation)
friday: off (vacation)
saturday: off (vacation)

*note* took a road trip out west this week so I was bummin on getting my miles in! my muscle is feeling better when i run, but it's still painful at times. i'm trying to take it real easy so i don't kill it before the big run on may 6! it is only 4 weeks away! hopefully i will be able to get in one more long run this next saturday. we'll see how that goes...
i have been injured for 4 weeks now and have been barely running. i know that God is able to do the impossible through me...i WILL run in this marathon!

raised: $1597
to go: $0
goal: $1400

week nineteen

sunday: injured
monday: injured
tuesday: 15 min elliptical/ 15 min bike; weights
wednesday: 30 min elliptical
thursday: off
friday: 1.5 miles
saturday: off

*note* I got the 'ok' to run from my PT on friday! man...i've missed it like crazy. i'll be taking it real easy the next few days...

raised: $1597
to go: $0
goal: $1400